
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Essay writing

Writing an essay might be challanging. Sounds strange but its true. "I have no clue what to write about" or "How should I start?", - such typical students' answers are common when you ask them to write an essay but do not specify a topic. So why is that? Cruising on the web-page The Nuts And Bolts that tells us about every single step in essay writing, I found that writing an essay is not that easy for many students as I thought. First of all is a lack of writing experiance. Those students who don´t write much in their daily life, for example blogging or posting daily phrases in facebook or else where, have problems with choosing the right topic for upcoming writings.
Let´s say we've got a topic. What is next? The major problem is how to start your essay and what arguments to point. We might know many things but to state them on paper is not always easy. If you have a difficulty with writing an essay there are plenty of information on the web that can help you choosing the right way. But the basic structure is quite similar. I decided to take a SPIRAL as an example of the essay structure.

As you can see the begining of it tells us basicly what the essay is about. Here we can add the basic knowladge of what we know about the subject..(and I mean what we realy know). Then is nessesary to bring the results of your reseach of the topic and the arguments that proof the idea and...well.. actually proofs your own knowladge as well:). There are no essays without conclusion so collect the strongest statements and put a fat dot on it!!))

Well, DO NOT hesitate and instead of sitting and thinking what to write about, just grab a pan and start practice. I´m sure the result will not make you wait for long;)


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