
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Googling Short Stories

Today is the next day of my English classes and hopefully I´m a step closer to finish it with a positive mark :). Our assignment for today is to surf in Google and write about Short stories, their definition and and so on. I would reeealy love to finish this exercise but my super slow Internet connection decided to protest :S. Anyway after many tries I finally got into Google and found some ... perhaps the word "some" doesn't fit with my search, instead I would say I found MILLIONS of web-sites about short stories. It is quite hard to pick the right page because you cannot know what is inside so I just read few lines beneath the main link and opened some of them...

3 minutes later..... Internet connection is still fighting against me and I´m still waiting for my pages to be opened. Irritating..Considering that I guess it can be a good topic for the short story. I would call it "The nightmare on Skolavorduholt street. Journey into the unknown" with the Internet as a main character :)))
So what is the definition of short stories? According to Wikipedia we may define the Short Story as - "a work of fiction that is usually written in prose, often in narrative format". Often it is a short text that has an average length of 8.000-10.000 words, but the main target of it is to grab you attention. Anyway it is very varies from the author.  Here is more detailed description of it - Short Story. I visited few web-pages and found a lot of information about such stories. Here are the links: <==== WOW  even Icelandic))
but my favorite is, where you can find any story you like.

The next step in interpreting the world of short stories is to read some of them. I chose "David's Haircut" by Ken Elkes and "The Wanderer" by Graham Green.

"David's Haircut" is very short story about a boy named David and his father who took him to a barbershop. They goes there often and at this time they notice that David is growing up and very soon he can sit in the stool without the board under his bum. On the way back home David finds his own lock of his own hair in dad's palm.

"The Wanderer" is another story I´ve just read. This is a REALLY short one. It´s about a man who travels around the world to forget people he met every day. He hopes to find someone who remains in his memory but it hasn´t happened yet. Once he met an old woman who asked him to marry her daughter with a man who died a year ago. Then the Wanderer finds a young lady who was dead under the cover. The old woman disappeared. He understood that couple is now together forever.

So what is the base of a good short story? Here are some instructions I found on Google: Short Story Writing

By the end of my writing I stumbled on one interesting video. It is about short stories in general and I found it very cognitive and in some way enigmatic. Here is the video Britannica Classic: What Is a Short Story? I suggest to take a look at this video, especially those who are interested in short stories.

DONE :) :) :)


Maria Alva said...

can't wait to read more : )

eTryggvadottir said...

Liked your video, borrowed it for my blog. Of course mentioned where I got it from, thanks and keep up the good work

Maria Alva said...

yeah, agree about the video...classic stuff, Mykola. Thanks for posting it : )

Mykola said...

Good that everything is good :)

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