
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Facebook Survey

Our next and most likely the last assignment for this semester is to create a survey about the interacting via facebook and e-mails or just a social network in general. My first idea was to create a survey on facebook and sent it to my friends but it didn't work how I planned. I created a group and invited some people to join and take a survey but the problem appeared when they started to answer the questions. My original FIRST message with the questions started to appear under the answers. By the matter of facts they would definitely move to the next page leaving visitors without the actual questions. 
My second idea was a bit better and more successful. I post my survey on the where many people had an open access to it. I got 13 responds in addition to 5 responds on facebook. So totally 17 which is not bad.
What I´m gonna do next is writing a report about this survey and make a summation of my results. The goal is to see how the people use facebook and what for. 
The report will be ready in couple days ........hopefully :))


eTryggvadottir said...

Brilliant of you to use ... I´ll be sure to use something like that next time so I have maybe a couple more people than seven :D

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