I googled for Hollywood movie scripts and as usual received bunch of offered web resources considering my search. I found this pageMovie Scripts and Screenplays where you can find many scripts for famous Hollywood movies. I like it because the variety of scripts is far better then on other pages that I found and its completely free. Writing a good script requires a good idea and understanding of exactly what the viewer wanna see on the screen.When writing it, format is the key to it being read or considered by agents or production companies. Anyway after creating few scripts the rules become familiar and easy to remember. Such kind of writing has to be as short as possible but still able to bring the idea to a viewer. For example word "IS" should be eliminated from script and instead of "Joe is mowing the lawn" you better write "Joe mows the lawn". Genre is also one of the most important stages of the filmmaking. One phrase can be said with different intonation followed by the different music which is crucial in the perception of the film. Scripts cannot be overemphasized. This link can guide you to a better scriptwriting Movie Scripts Guidelines. And this page here -->Script Format tells about different abbreviations what is used for explaining the time of the scene, place, actors' dialogs, POV and many more to ease the work.
I laughed when I read a list of situations that occur in almost every movie)))) Here it is - "Rules" of Scriptwritingand it is true :)
Later in the class we supposed to choose one movie script and compare it with its film version. I chose Ace Ventura. Pet Detective .
Running briefly through the script and viewing the same episode turned into a film I found it not quite the same. What is done in the script sometimes not even appears on the screen but instead gives cinematographer chance to improvise and add some better stuff while filming. Still the main idea of episode remains.
Sketching a storyboard based on script is also a basis for every film. It makes cinematographer to know exactly how to shoot an entire scene and saves a lot of time. I looked for some videos about storyboard and found this one Storyboardingand this oneZero Budget Storyboardwhich both have very good explanation of what exactly is a Storyboard. From a good storyboard depends the quality of filmed material that's why it became an important factor in filmmaking industry.
At last I´m off to writing final lines about all this film stuff. I realize that being a good director, cinematographer, producer or so, will not help you to create a peace of art called a "movie". But working as a team and only as a team, these professionals can realize into life hundreds of good scripts.
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